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A base abstract interface for calling LLMs.


Bases: BasePrompt, Generic[BaseCallResponseT, BaseCallResponseChunkT, BaseToolT], ABC

The base class abstract interface for calling LLMs.

Source code in mirascope/base/
class BaseCall(
    Generic[BaseCallResponseT, BaseCallResponseChunkT, BaseToolT],
    """The base class abstract interface for calling LLMs."""

    api_key: ClassVar[Optional[str]] = None
    base_url: ClassVar[Optional[str]] = None
    call_params: ClassVar[BaseCallParams] = BaseCallParams[BaseToolT](

    def call(
        self, retries: Union[int, Retrying] = 1, **kwargs: Any
    ) -> BaseCallResponseT:
        """A call to an LLM.

        An implementation of this function must return a response that extends
        `BaseCallResponse`. This ensures a consistent API and convenience across e.g.
        different model providers.
        ...  # pragma: no cover

    async def call_async(
        self, retries: Union[int, AsyncRetrying] = 1, **kwargs: Any
    ) -> BaseCallResponseT:
        """An asynchronous call to an LLM.

        An implementation of this function must return a response that extends
        `BaseCallResponse`. This ensures a consistent API and convenience across e.g.
        different model providers.
        ...  # pragma: no cover

    def stream(
        self, retries: Union[int, Retrying] = 1, **kwargs: Any
    ) -> Generator[BaseCallResponseChunkT, None, None]:
        """A call to an LLM that streams the response in chunks.

        An implementation of this function must yield response chunks that extend
        `BaseCallResponseChunk`. This ensures a consistent API and convenience across
        e.g. different model providers.
        ...  # pragma: no cover

    async def stream_async(
        self, retries: Union[int, AsyncRetrying] = 1, **kwargs: Any
    ) -> AsyncGenerator[BaseCallResponseChunkT, None]:
        """A asynchronous call to an LLM that streams the response in chunks.

        An implementation of this function must yield response chunks that extend
        `BaseCallResponseChunk`. This ensures a consistent API and convenience across
        e.g. different model providers."""
        yield ...  # type: ignore # pragma: no cover

    ############################## PRIVATE METHODS ###################################

    def _setup(
        kwargs: dict[str, Any],
        base_tool_type: Optional[Type[BaseToolT]] = None,
    ) -> tuple[dict[str, Any], Optional[list[Type[BaseToolT]]]]:
        """Returns the call params kwargs and tool types.

        The tools in the call params first get converted into BaseToolT types. We then
        need both the converted tools for the response (so it can construct actual tool
        instances if present in the response) as well as the actual schemas injected
        through kwargs. This function handles that setup.
        call_params = self.call_params.model_copy(update=kwargs)
        kwargs = call_params.kwargs(tool_type=base_tool_type)
        tool_types = None
        if "tools" in kwargs and base_tool_type is not None:
            tool_types = kwargs.pop("tools")
            kwargs["tools"] = [tool_type.tool_schema() for tool_type in tool_types]
        return kwargs, tool_types

call(retries=1, **kwargs) abstractmethod

A call to an LLM.

An implementation of this function must return a response that extends BaseCallResponse. This ensures a consistent API and convenience across e.g. different model providers.

Source code in mirascope/base/
def call(
    self, retries: Union[int, Retrying] = 1, **kwargs: Any
) -> BaseCallResponseT:
    """A call to an LLM.

    An implementation of this function must return a response that extends
    `BaseCallResponse`. This ensures a consistent API and convenience across e.g.
    different model providers.
    ...  # pragma: no cover

call_async(retries=1, **kwargs) abstractmethod async

An asynchronous call to an LLM.

An implementation of this function must return a response that extends BaseCallResponse. This ensures a consistent API and convenience across e.g. different model providers.

Source code in mirascope/base/
async def call_async(
    self, retries: Union[int, AsyncRetrying] = 1, **kwargs: Any
) -> BaseCallResponseT:
    """An asynchronous call to an LLM.

    An implementation of this function must return a response that extends
    `BaseCallResponse`. This ensures a consistent API and convenience across e.g.
    different model providers.
    ...  # pragma: no cover

stream(retries=1, **kwargs) abstractmethod

A call to an LLM that streams the response in chunks.

An implementation of this function must yield response chunks that extend BaseCallResponseChunk. This ensures a consistent API and convenience across e.g. different model providers.

Source code in mirascope/base/
def stream(
    self, retries: Union[int, Retrying] = 1, **kwargs: Any
) -> Generator[BaseCallResponseChunkT, None, None]:
    """A call to an LLM that streams the response in chunks.

    An implementation of this function must yield response chunks that extend
    `BaseCallResponseChunk`. This ensures a consistent API and convenience across
    e.g. different model providers.
    ...  # pragma: no cover

stream_async(retries=1, **kwargs) abstractmethod async

A asynchronous call to an LLM that streams the response in chunks.

An implementation of this function must yield response chunks that extend BaseCallResponseChunk. This ensures a consistent API and convenience across e.g. different model providers.

Source code in mirascope/base/
async def stream_async(
    self, retries: Union[int, AsyncRetrying] = 1, **kwargs: Any
) -> AsyncGenerator[BaseCallResponseChunkT, None]:
    """A asynchronous call to an LLM that streams the response in chunks.

    An implementation of this function must yield response chunks that extend
    `BaseCallResponseChunk`. This ensures a consistent API and convenience across
    e.g. different model providers."""
    yield ...  # type: ignore # pragma: no cover