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Bases: BaseExtractor[GeminiCall, GeminiTool, Any, T], Generic[T]

A class for extracting structured information using Google's Gemini Chat models.


from typing import Literal, Type
from pydantic import BaseModel
from mirascope.gemini import GeminiExtractor

class TaskDetails(BaseModel):
    title: str
    priority: Literal["low", "normal", "high"]
    due_date: str

class TaskExtractor(GeminiExtractor[TaskDetails]):
    extract_schema: Type[TaskDetails] = TaskDetails

    prompt_template = """
    USER: I need to extract task details.
    MODEL: Sure, please provide the task description.
    USER: {task}

    task: str

task_description = "Prepare the budget report by next Monday. It's a high priority task."
task = TaskExtractor(task=task_description).extract(retries=3)
assert isinstance(task, TaskDetails)
#> title='Prepare the budget report' priority='high' due_date='next Monday'
Source code in mirascope/gemini/
class GeminiExtractor(BaseExtractor[GeminiCall, GeminiTool, Any, T], Generic[T]):
    '''A class for extracting structured information using Google's Gemini Chat models.


    from typing import Literal, Type
    from pydantic import BaseModel
    from mirascope.gemini import GeminiExtractor

    class TaskDetails(BaseModel):
        title: str
        priority: Literal["low", "normal", "high"]
        due_date: str

    class TaskExtractor(GeminiExtractor[TaskDetails]):
        extract_schema: Type[TaskDetails] = TaskDetails

        prompt_template = """
        USER: I need to extract task details.
        MODEL: Sure, please provide the task description.
        USER: {task}

        task: str

    task_description = "Prepare the budget report by next Monday. It's a high priority task."
    task = TaskExtractor(task=task_description).extract(retries=3)
    assert isinstance(task, TaskDetails)
    #> title='Prepare the budget report' priority='high' due_date='next Monday'

    call_params: ClassVar[GeminiCallParams] = GeminiCallParams()

    def extract(self, retries: Union[int, Retrying] = 0, **kwargs: Any) -> T:
        """Extracts `extract_schema` from the Gemini call response.

        The `extract_schema` is converted into a `GeminiTool`, complete with a
        description of the tool, all of the fields, and their types. This allows us to
        take advantage of Gemini's tool/function calling functionality to extract
        information from a prompt according to the context provided by the `BaseModel`

            retries: The maximum number of times to retry the query on validation error.
            **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments parameters to pass to the call. These
                will override any existing arguments in `call_params`.

            The `Schema` instance extracted from the completion.

            AttributeError: if there is no tool in the call creation.
            ValidationError: if the schema cannot be instantiated from the completion.
            GeminiError: raises any Gemini errors.
        return self._extract(GeminiCall, GeminiTool, retries, **kwargs)

    async def extract_async(
        self, retries: Union[int, AsyncRetrying] = 0, **kwargs: Any
    ) -> T:
        """Asynchronously extracts `extract_schema` from the Gemini call response.

        The `extract_schema` is converted into a `GeminiTool`, complete with a
        description of the tool, all of the fields, and their types. This allows us to
        take advantage of Gemini's tool/function calling functionality to extract
        information from a prompt according to the context provided by the `BaseModel`

            retries: The maximum number of times to retry the query on validation error.
            **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments parameters to pass to the call. These
                will override any existing arguments in `call_params`.

            The `Schema` instance extracted from the completion.

            AttributeError: if there is no tool in the call creation.
            ValidationError: if the schema cannot be instantiated from the completion.
            GeminiError: raises any Gemini errors.
        return await self._extract_async(GeminiCall, GeminiTool, retries, **kwargs)

extract(retries=0, **kwargs)

Extracts extract_schema from the Gemini call response.

The extract_schema is converted into a GeminiTool, complete with a description of the tool, all of the fields, and their types. This allows us to take advantage of Gemini's tool/function calling functionality to extract information from a prompt according to the context provided by the BaseModel schema.


Name Type Description Default
retries Union[int, Retrying]

The maximum number of times to retry the query on validation error.

**kwargs Any

Additional keyword arguments parameters to pass to the call. These will override any existing arguments in call_params.



Type Description

The Schema instance extracted from the completion.


Type Description

if there is no tool in the call creation.


if the schema cannot be instantiated from the completion.


raises any Gemini errors.

Source code in mirascope/gemini/
def extract(self, retries: Union[int, Retrying] = 0, **kwargs: Any) -> T:
    """Extracts `extract_schema` from the Gemini call response.

    The `extract_schema` is converted into a `GeminiTool`, complete with a
    description of the tool, all of the fields, and their types. This allows us to
    take advantage of Gemini's tool/function calling functionality to extract
    information from a prompt according to the context provided by the `BaseModel`

        retries: The maximum number of times to retry the query on validation error.
        **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments parameters to pass to the call. These
            will override any existing arguments in `call_params`.

        The `Schema` instance extracted from the completion.

        AttributeError: if there is no tool in the call creation.
        ValidationError: if the schema cannot be instantiated from the completion.
        GeminiError: raises any Gemini errors.
    return self._extract(GeminiCall, GeminiTool, retries, **kwargs)

extract_async(retries=0, **kwargs) async

Asynchronously extracts extract_schema from the Gemini call response.

The extract_schema is converted into a GeminiTool, complete with a description of the tool, all of the fields, and their types. This allows us to take advantage of Gemini's tool/function calling functionality to extract information from a prompt according to the context provided by the BaseModel schema.


Name Type Description Default
retries Union[int, AsyncRetrying]

The maximum number of times to retry the query on validation error.

**kwargs Any

Additional keyword arguments parameters to pass to the call. These will override any existing arguments in call_params.



Type Description

The Schema instance extracted from the completion.


Type Description

if there is no tool in the call creation.


if the schema cannot be instantiated from the completion.


raises any Gemini errors.

Source code in mirascope/gemini/
async def extract_async(
    self, retries: Union[int, AsyncRetrying] = 0, **kwargs: Any
) -> T:
    """Asynchronously extracts `extract_schema` from the Gemini call response.

    The `extract_schema` is converted into a `GeminiTool`, complete with a
    description of the tool, all of the fields, and their types. This allows us to
    take advantage of Gemini's tool/function calling functionality to extract
    information from a prompt according to the context provided by the `BaseModel`

        retries: The maximum number of times to retry the query on validation error.
        **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments parameters to pass to the call. These
            will override any existing arguments in `call_params`.

        The `Schema` instance extracted from the completion.

        AttributeError: if there is no tool in the call creation.
        ValidationError: if the schema cannot be instantiated from the completion.
        GeminiError: raises any Gemini errors.
    return await self._extract_async(GeminiCall, GeminiTool, retries, **kwargs)