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Writing prompts

The BasePrompt Class

The prompt_template class variable is the template used to generate the list of messages. The properties of the class are the template variables, which get formatted into the template during the creation of the list of messages.

from mirascope import BasePrompt

class BookRecommendationPrompt(BasePrompt):
    prompt_template = "Can you recommend some books on {topic}?"

    topic: str

prompt = BookRecommendationPrompt(topic="coding")
#> [{"role": "user", "content": "Can you recommend some books on coding?"}]

The messages method parses the prompt_template into a list of messages. In this case, there's just a single user message.

Editor Support

  • Inline Errors

  • Autocomplete

Template Variables

When you call prompt.messages() or str(prompt) the template will be formatted using the fields and properties of the class that match the template variables. This means that you can define more complex properties through code using the built in python decorator @property. This is particularly useful when you want to inject template variables with custom formatting or template variables that depend on multiple attributes.

from mirascope import BasePrompt

class BasicAddition(BasePrompt):
    prompt_template = """
    Can you solve this math problem for me?
    first_number: float
    second_number: float

    def equation(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.first_number}+{self.second_number}="

If the type being returned is a list we will automatically format list and list[list] fields and properties with \n and \n\n separators, respectively and stringify.

from mirascope import BasePrompt

class BookRecommendationPrompt(BasePrompt):
    prompt_template = """
    Can you recommend some books on the following topic and genre pairs?

    topics: list[str]
    genres: list[str]

    def topics_x_genres(self) -> list[str]:
        """Returns `topics` as a comma separated list."""
        return [
            f"Topic: {topic}, Genre: {genre}"
            for topic in self.topics
            for genre in self.genre

prompt = BookRecommendationPrompt(
    topics=["coding", "music"], genres=["fiction", "fantasy"]
#> Can you recommend some books on the following topic and genre pairs?
#  Topic: coding, Genre: fiction
#  Topic: coding, Genre: fantasy
#  Topic: music, Genre: fiction
#  Topic: music, Genre: fantasy


By default, the BasePrompt class treats the prompt template as a single user message. If you want to specify a list of messages instead, use the message keywords SYSTEM, USER, ASSISTANT, MODEL, or TOOL (depending on what's supported by your choice of provider):

from mirascope import BasePrompt

class BookRecommendationPrompt(BasePrompt):
    prompt_template = """
    SYSTEM: You are the world's greatest librarian.
    USER: Can you recommend some books on {topic}?

    topic: str

prompt = BookRecommendationPrompt(topic="coding")
[{"role": "system", "content": "You are the world's greatest librarian"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Can you recommend some books on coding?"}]


This example is using Mirascope base `Message. If you are using a different provider, refer to the provider's documentation on their message roles.


Note that the parser will only parse expected keyword roles available to thee provider. This ensures that keywords like KEYWORD: will not accidentally get parsed as a role; however, this also means that typos such as USERS: will also not get parsed.

We are working on a VSCode extension to help identify these common typos and avoid potentially annoying silent bugs.

Multi-Line Messages

When writing longer, multi-line prompts, the prompt template parser expects the content for each role to start on a new line below the role keyword so that e.g. tabs can be properly dedented. The newline between each role is optional but provides additional readability.

from mirascope import BasePrompt

class BookRecommendationPrompt(BasePrompt):
    prompt_template = """
    When writing longer, multi-line prompts, start content on a new line.
    This will ensure the content gets properly parsed and dedented.

    The additional new line above between the roles is optional.
    However, we find this provides additional readability.

Prompt template "magic" is optional

We understand that there are users that do not want to use prompt template string parsing "magic". Mirascope allows the user to write the messages array manually, which has the added benefit of accessing functionality that is not yet supported by the template parser (such as Vision support).

from mirascope import BasePrompt
from import ChatCompletionMessageParam

class BookRecommendationPrompt(BasePrompt):
    topic: str

    def messages(self) -> list[ChatCompletionMessageParam]:
        return [
                "role": "user",
                "content": [
                    {"type": "text", "text": "What's in this image?"},
                        "type": "image_url",
                        "image_url": {
                            "url": "",

Integrations with Providers

The BasePrompt class should be used for providers that are not yet supported by Mirascope. Pass in the messages from the prompt into the LLM provider client messages array.

from mirascope import BasePrompt
from some_llm_provider import LLMProvider

class BookRecommendationPrompt(BasePrompt):
    prompt_template = """
    You are the world's greatest librarian.

    Can you recommend some books on {topic}?

    topic: str

prompt = BookRecommendationPrompt(topic="coding")
client = LLMProvider(api_key=...)
message = client.messages.create(