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Type classes for interacting with Anthropics's Claude API.


Bases: BaseCallParams[AnthropicTool]

The parameters to use when calling d Claud API with a prompt.


from mirascope.anthropic import AnthropicCall, AnthropicCallParams

class BookRecommender(AnthropicCall):
    prompt_template = "Please recommend some books."

    call_params = AnthropicCallParams(
Source code in mirascope/anthropic/
class AnthropicCallParams(BaseCallParams[AnthropicTool]):
    """The parameters to use when calling d Claud API with a prompt.


    from mirascope.anthropic import AnthropicCall, AnthropicCallParams

    class BookRecommender(AnthropicCall):
        prompt_template = "Please recommend some books."

        call_params = AnthropicCallParams(

    max_tokens: int = 1000
    model: str = "claude-3-haiku-20240307"
    metadata: Optional[Metadata] = None
    stop_sequences: Optional[list[str]] = None
    system: Optional[str] = None
    temperature: Optional[float] = None
    top_k: Optional[int] = None
    top_p: Optional[float] = None
    extra_headers: Optional[Headers] = None
    extra_query: Optional[Query] = None
    extra_body: Optional[Body] = None
    timeout: Optional[Union[float, Timeout]] = 600

    response_format: Optional[Literal["json"]] = None

    model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True)

    def kwargs(
        tool_type: Optional[Type[AnthropicTool]] = None,
        exclude: Optional[set[str]] = None,
    ) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Returns the keyword argument call parameters."""
        extra_exclude = {"response_format"}
        exclude = extra_exclude if exclude is None else exclude.union(extra_exclude)
        return super().kwargs(tool_type, exclude)

kwargs(tool_type=None, exclude=None)

Returns the keyword argument call parameters.

Source code in mirascope/anthropic/
def kwargs(
    tool_type: Optional[Type[AnthropicTool]] = None,
    exclude: Optional[set[str]] = None,
) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Returns the keyword argument call parameters."""
    extra_exclude = {"response_format"}
    exclude = extra_exclude if exclude is None else exclude.union(extra_exclude)
    return super().kwargs(tool_type, exclude)


Bases: BaseCallResponse[Union[Message, ToolsBetaMessage], AnthropicTool]

Convenience wrapper around the Anthropic Claude API.

When using Mirascope's convenience wrappers to interact with Anthropic models via AnthropicCall, responses using will return an AnthropicCallResponse, whereby the implemented properties allow for simpler syntax and a convenient developer experience.


from mirascope.anthropic import AnthropicCall

class BookRecommender(AnthropicCall):
    prompt_template = "Please recommend some books."

Source code in mirascope/anthropic/
class AnthropicCallResponse(
    BaseCallResponse[Union[Message, ToolsBetaMessage], AnthropicTool]
    """Convenience wrapper around the Anthropic Claude API.

    When using Mirascope's convenience wrappers to interact with Anthropic models via
    `AnthropicCall`, responses using `` will return an
    `AnthropicCallResponse`, whereby the implemented properties allow for simpler syntax
    and a convenient developer experience.


    from mirascope.anthropic import AnthropicCall

    class BookRecommender(AnthropicCall):
        prompt_template = "Please recommend some books."


    response_format: Optional[Literal["json"]] = None

    def tools(self) -> Optional[list[AnthropicTool]]:
        """Returns the tools for the 0th choice message."""
        if not self.tool_types:
            return None

        if self.response_format == "json":
            # Note: we only handle single tool calls in JSON mode.
            tool_type = self.tool_types[0]
            return [

        if self.response.stop_reason != "tool_use":
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Generation stopped with stop reason that is not `tool_use`. "
                "This is likely due to a limit on output tokens that is too low. "
                "Note that this could also indicate no tool is beind called, so we "
                "recommend that you check the output of the call to confirm. "
                f"Stop Reason: {self.response.stop_reason} "

        extracted_tools = []
        for tool_call in self.response.content:
            if tool_call.type != "tool_use":
            for tool_type in self.tool_types:
                if == tool_type.__name__:
                    tool = tool_type.from_tool_call(tool_call)

        return extracted_tools

    def tool(self) -> Optional[AnthropicTool]:
        """Returns the 0th tool for the 0th choice text block."""
        tools =
        if tools:
            return tools[0]
        return None

    def content(self) -> str:
        """Returns the string text of the 0th text block."""
        block = self.response.content[0]
        return block.text if block.type == "text" else ""

    def usage(self) -> Usage:
        """Returns the usage of the message."""
        return self.response.usage

    def input_tokens(self) -> int:
        """Returns the number of input tokens."""
        return self.usage.input_tokens

    def output_tokens(self) -> int:
        """Returns the number of output tokens."""
        return self.usage.output_tokens

    def dump(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Dumps the response to a dictionary."""
        return {
            "start_time": self.start_time,
            "end_time": self.end_time,
            "output": self.response.model_dump(),

content: str property

Returns the string text of the 0th text block.

input_tokens: int property

Returns the number of input tokens.

output_tokens: int property

Returns the number of output tokens.

tool: Optional[AnthropicTool] property

Returns the 0th tool for the 0th choice text block.

tools: Optional[list[AnthropicTool]] property

Returns the tools for the 0th choice message.

usage: Usage property

Returns the usage of the message.


Dumps the response to a dictionary.

Source code in mirascope/anthropic/
def dump(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Dumps the response to a dictionary."""
    return {
        "start_time": self.start_time,
        "end_time": self.end_time,
        "output": self.response.model_dump(),


Bases: BaseCallResponseChunk[MessageStreamEvent, AnthropicTool]

Convenience wrapper around the Anthropic API streaming chunks.

When using Mirascope's convenience wrappers to interact with Anthropic models via AnthropicCall, responses using will yield AnthropicCallResponseChunk, whereby the implemented properties allow for simpler syntax and a convenient developer experience.


from mirascope.anthropic import AnthropicCall

class Math(AnthropicCall):
    prompt_template = "What is 1 + 2?"

content = ""
for chunk in Math().stream():
    content += chunk.content
#> 1
#  1 +
#  1 + 2
#  1 + 2 equals
#  1 + 2 equals
#  1 + 2 equals 3
#  1 + 2 equals 3.
Source code in mirascope/anthropic/
class AnthropicCallResponseChunk(
    BaseCallResponseChunk[MessageStreamEvent, AnthropicTool]
    """Convenience wrapper around the Anthropic API streaming chunks.

    When using Mirascope's convenience wrappers to interact with Anthropic models via
    `AnthropicCall`, responses using `` will yield
    `AnthropicCallResponseChunk`, whereby the implemented properties allow for simpler
    syntax and a convenient developer experience.


    from mirascope.anthropic import AnthropicCall

    class Math(AnthropicCall):
        prompt_template = "What is 1 + 2?"

    content = ""
    for chunk in Math().stream():
        content += chunk.content
    #> 1
    #  1 +
    #  1 + 2
    #  1 + 2 equals
    #  1 + 2 equals
    #  1 + 2 equals 3
    #  1 + 2 equals 3.

    response_format: Optional[Literal["json"]] = None

    def type(
    ) -> Literal[
        """Returns the type of the chunk."""
        return self.chunk.type

    def content(self) -> str:
        """Returns the string content of the 0th message."""
        if isinstance(self.chunk, ContentBlockStartEvent):
            return self.chunk.content_block.text
        if isinstance(self.chunk, ContentBlockDeltaEvent):
        return ""

content: str property

Returns the string content of the 0th message.

type: Literal['message_start', 'message_delta', 'message_stop', 'content_block_start', 'content_block_delta', 'content_block_stop'] property

Returns the type of the chunk.