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Get the class functions of a BaseModel.

Source code in mirascope/base/
def get_class_functions(cls: type[BaseModel]) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
    """Get the class functions of a `BaseModel`."""
    ignore_functions = [
    for name, _ in inspect.getmembers(cls, predicate=inspect.isfunction):
        if not name.startswith("_") and name not in ignore_functions:
            yield name


Get the class variables of a BaseModel removing any dangerous variables.

Source code in mirascope/base/
def get_class_vars(self: BaseModel) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Get the class variables of a `BaseModel` removing any dangerous variables."""
    class_vars = {}
    for classvars in self.__class_vars__:
        if not classvars == "api_key":
            class_vars[classvars] = getattr(self.__class__, classvars)
    return class_vars

get_wrapped_async_client(client, self)

Get a wrapped async client.

Source code in mirascope/base/
def get_wrapped_async_client(client: T, self: Union[BaseCall, BaseEmbedder]) -> T:
    """Get a wrapped async client."""
    if self.configuration.client_wrappers:
        for op in self.configuration.client_wrappers:
            if op == "langfuse":  # pragma: no cover
                from langfuse.openai import AsyncOpenAI as LangfuseAsyncOpenAI

                client = LangfuseAsyncOpenAI(
                    api_key=self.api_key, base_url=self.base_url
            elif op == "logfire":  # pragma: no cover
                import logfire

                if self._provider == "openai":
                    logfire.instrument_openai(client)  # type: ignore
                elif self._provider == "anthropic":
                    logfire.instrument_anthropic(client)  # type: ignore
            elif callable(op):
                client = op(client)
    return client

get_wrapped_call(call, self, **kwargs)

Wrap a call to add the llm_ops parameter if it exists.

Source code in mirascope/base/
def get_wrapped_call(call: C, self: Union[BaseCall, BaseEmbedder], **kwargs) -> C:
    """Wrap a call to add the `llm_ops` parameter if it exists."""
    if self.configuration.llm_ops:
        wrapped_call = call
        for op in self.configuration.llm_ops:
            if op == "weave":  # pragma: no cover
                import weave

                wrapped_call = weave.op()(wrapped_call)
            elif callable(op):
                wrapped_call = op(
        return wrapped_call
    return call

get_wrapped_client(client, self)

Get a wrapped client.

Source code in mirascope/base/
def get_wrapped_client(client: T, self: Union[BaseCall, BaseEmbedder]) -> T:
    """Get a wrapped client."""
    if self.configuration.client_wrappers:
        for op in self.configuration.client_wrappers:  # pragma: no cover
            if op == "langfuse":
                from langfuse.openai import OpenAI as LangfuseOpenAI

                client = LangfuseOpenAI(api_key=self.api_key, base_url=self.base_url)
            elif op == "logfire":  # pragma: no cover
                import logfire

                if self._provider == "openai":
                    logfire.instrument_openai(client)  # type: ignore
                elif self._provider == "anthropic":
                    logfire.instrument_anthropic(client)  # type: ignore
            elif callable(op):
                client = op(client)
    return client

mirascope_span(fn, *, handle_before_call=None, handle_before_call_async=None, handle_after_call=None, handle_after_call_async=None, decorator=None, **custom_kwargs)

Wraps a pydantic class method.

Source code in mirascope/base/
def mirascope_span(
    fn: Callable,
    handle_before_call: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None,
    handle_before_call_async: Optional[Callable[..., Awaitable[Any]]] = None,
    handle_after_call: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None,
    handle_after_call_async: Optional[Callable[..., Awaitable[Any]]] = None,
    decorator: Optional[DecoratorType] = None,
    **custom_kwargs: Any,
    """Wraps a pydantic class method."""

    async def run_after_call_handler(self, result, result_before_call, joined_kwargs):
        if handle_after_call_async is not None:
            await handle_after_call_async(
                self, fn, result, result_before_call, **joined_kwargs
        elif handle_after_call is not None:
            handle_after_call(self, fn, result, result_before_call, **joined_kwargs)

    def wrapper(self: BaseModel, *args, **kwargs):
        """Wraps a pydantic class method that returns a value."""
        joined_kwargs = {**kwargs, **custom_kwargs}
        before_call = (
            handle_before_call(self, fn, **joined_kwargs)
            if handle_before_call is not None
            else None
        if isinstance(before_call, AbstractContextManager):
            with before_call as result_before_call:
                result = fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
                if handle_after_call is not None:
                        self, fn, result, result_before_call, **joined_kwargs
                return result
            result = fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
            if handle_after_call is not None:
                handle_after_call(self, fn, result, before_call, **joined_kwargs)
            return result

    async def wrapper_async(self: BaseModel, *args, **kwargs):
        """Wraps a pydantic async class method that returns a value."""
        joined_kwargs = {**kwargs, **custom_kwargs}
        before_call = None
        if handle_before_call_async is not None:
            before_call = await handle_before_call_async(self, fn, **joined_kwargs)
        elif handle_before_call is not None:
            before_call = handle_before_call(self, fn, **joined_kwargs)

        if isinstance(before_call, AbstractContextManager):
            with before_call as result_before_call:
                result = await fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
                await run_after_call_handler(
                    self, result, result_before_call, joined_kwargs
                return result
            result = await fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
            await run_after_call_handler(self, result, before_call, joined_kwargs)
            return result

    def wrapper_generator(self: BaseModel, *args, **kwargs):
        """Wraps a pydantic class method that returns a generator."""
        joined_kwargs = {**kwargs, **custom_kwargs}
        before_call = (
            handle_before_call(self, fn, **joined_kwargs)
            if handle_before_call is not None
            else None
        if isinstance(before_call, AbstractContextManager):
            with before_call as result_before_call:
                result = fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
                output = []
                for value in result:
                    yield value
                if handle_after_call is not None:
                        self, fn, output, result_before_call, **joined_kwargs
            result = fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
            output = []
            for value in result:
                yield value
            if handle_after_call is not None:
                handle_after_call(self, fn, output, before_call, **joined_kwargs)

    async def wrapper_generator_async(self: BaseModel, *args, **kwargs):
        """Wraps a pydantic async class method that returns a generator."""
        joined_kwargs = {**kwargs, **custom_kwargs}
        before_call = None
        if handle_before_call_async is not None:
            before_call = await handle_before_call_async(self, fn, **joined_kwargs)
        elif handle_before_call is not None:
            before_call = handle_before_call(self, fn, **joined_kwargs)
        if isinstance(before_call, AbstractContextManager):
            with before_call as result_before_call:
                result = fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
                output = []
                async for value in result:
                    yield value
                await run_after_call_handler(
                    self, output, result_before_call, joined_kwargs
            result = fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
            output = []
            async for value in result:
                yield value
            await run_after_call_handler(self, output, before_call, joined_kwargs)

    wrapper_function = wrapper
    if inspect.isasyncgenfunction(fn):
        wrapper_function = wrapper_generator_async
    elif inspect.iscoroutinefunction(fn):
        wrapper_function = wrapper_async
    elif inspect.isgeneratorfunction(fn):
        wrapper_function = wrapper_generator
    if decorator is not None:
        wrapper_function = decorator(wrapper_function)
    return wrapper_function

wrap_mirascope_class_functions(cls, *, handle_before_call=None, handle_before_call_async=None, handle_after_call=None, handle_after_call_async=None, decorator=None, **custom_kwargs)

Wraps Mirascope class functions with a decorator.


Name Type Description Default
cls type[BaseModel]

The Mirascope class to wrap.

handle_before_call Optional[Callable[..., Any]]

A function to call before the call to the wrapped function.

handle_after_call Optional[Callable[..., Any]]

A function to call after the call to the wrapped function.

custom_kwargs Any

Additional keyword arguments to pass to the decorator.

Source code in mirascope/base/
def wrap_mirascope_class_functions(
    cls: type[BaseModel],
    handle_before_call: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None,
    handle_before_call_async: Optional[Callable[..., Awaitable[Any]]] = None,
    handle_after_call: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None,
    handle_after_call_async: Optional[Callable[..., Awaitable[Any]]] = None,
    decorator: Optional[DecoratorType] = None,
    **custom_kwargs: Any,
    """Wraps Mirascope class functions with a decorator.

        cls: The Mirascope class to wrap.
        handle_before_call: A function to call before the call to the wrapped function.
        handle_after_call: A function to call after the call to the wrapped function.
        custom_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the decorator.

    for name in get_class_functions(cls):
                getattr(cls, name),
    return cls