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Types for interacting with Cohere chat models using Mirascope.


Bases: BaseCallParams[CohereTool]

The parameters to use when calling the Cohere chat API.

Source code in mirascope/cohere/
class CohereCallParams(BaseCallParams[CohereTool]):
    """The parameters to use when calling the Cohere chat API."""

    model: str = "command-r-plus"
    preamble: Optional[str] = None
    chat_history: Optional[Sequence[ChatMessage]] = None
    conversation_id: Optional[str] = None
    prompt_truncation: Optional[ChatRequestPromptTruncation] = None
    connectors: Optional[Sequence[ChatConnector]] = None
    search_queries_only: Optional[bool] = None
    documents: Optional[Sequence[ChatDocument]] = None
    temperature: Optional[float] = None
    max_tokens: Optional[int] = None
    max_input_tokens: Optional[int] = None
    k: Optional[int] = None
    p: Optional[float] = None
    seed: Optional[float] = None
    stop_sequences: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None
    frequency_penalty: Optional[float] = None
    presence_penalty: Optional[float] = None
    raw_prompting: Optional[bool] = None
    tool_results: Optional[Sequence[ChatRequestToolResultsItem]] = None
    request_options: Optional[RequestOptions] = None

    model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True)

    def kwargs(
        tool_type: Optional[Type[CohereTool]] = CohereTool,
        exclude: Optional[set[str]] = None,
    ) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Returns the keyword argument call parameters."""
        extra_exclude = {"wrapper", "wrapper_async"}
        exclude = extra_exclude if exclude is None else exclude.union(extra_exclude)
        return super().kwargs(tool_type, exclude)

kwargs(tool_type=CohereTool, exclude=None)

Returns the keyword argument call parameters.

Source code in mirascope/cohere/
def kwargs(
    tool_type: Optional[Type[CohereTool]] = CohereTool,
    exclude: Optional[set[str]] = None,
) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Returns the keyword argument call parameters."""
    extra_exclude = {"wrapper", "wrapper_async"}
    exclude = extra_exclude if exclude is None else exclude.union(extra_exclude)
    return super().kwargs(tool_type, exclude)


Bases: BaseCallResponse[NonStreamedChatResponse, CohereTool]

A convenience wrapper around the Cohere NonStreamedChatResponse response.

When using Mirascope's convenience wrappers to interact with Cohere chat models via CohereCall, responses using will return a CohereCallResponse whereby the implemented properties allow for simpler syntax and a convenient developer experience.


from mirascope.cohere import CohereCall

class BookRecommender(CohereCall):
    prompt_template = "Please recommend a {genre} book"

    genre: str

response = Bookrecommender(genre="fantasy").call()
#> The Name of the Wind

#> ...

#> ...
Source code in mirascope/cohere/
class CohereCallResponse(BaseCallResponse[NonStreamedChatResponse, CohereTool]):
    """A convenience wrapper around the Cohere `NonStreamedChatResponse` response.

    When using Mirascope's convenience wrappers to interact with Cohere chat models via
    `CohereCall`, responses using `` will return a `CohereCallResponse`
    whereby the implemented properties allow for simpler syntax and a convenient
    developer experience.


    from mirascope.cohere import CohereCall

    class BookRecommender(CohereCall):
        prompt_template = "Please recommend a {genre} book"

        genre: str

    response = Bookrecommender(genre="fantasy").call()
    #> The Name of the Wind

    #> ...

    #> ...

    # We need to skip validation since it's a pydantic_v1 model and breaks validation.
    response: SkipValidation[NonStreamedChatResponse]

    def content(self) -> str:
        """Returns the content of the chat completion for the 0th choice."""
        return self.response.text

    def search_queries(self) -> Optional[list[ChatSearchQuery]]:
        """Returns the search queries for the 0th choice message."""
        return self.response.search_queries

    def search_results(self) -> Optional[list[ChatSearchResult]]:
        """Returns the search results for the 0th choice message."""
        return self.response.search_results

    def documents(self) -> Optional[list[ChatDocument]]:
        """Returns the documents for the 0th choice message."""
        return self.response.documents

    def citations(self) -> Optional[list[ChatCitation]]:
        """Returns the citations for the 0th choice message."""
        return self.response.citations

    def tool_calls(self) -> Optional[list[ToolCall]]:
        """Returns the tool calls for the 0th choice message."""
        return self.response.tool_calls

    def tools(self) -> Optional[list[CohereTool]]:
        """Returns the tools for the 0th choice message.

            ValidationError: if a tool call doesn't match the tool's schema.
        if not self.tool_types or not self.tool_calls:
            return None

        if self.response.finish_reason == "MAX_TOKENS":
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Generation stopped with MAX_TOKENS finish reason. This means that the "
                "response hit the token limit before completion."

        extracted_tools = []
        for tool_call in self.tool_calls:
            for tool_type in self.tool_types:
                if == tool_type.__name__:

        return extracted_tools

    def tool(self) -> Optional[CohereTool]:
        """Returns the 0th tool for the 0th choice message.

            ValidationError: if the tool call doesn't match the tool's schema.
        tools =
        if tools:
            return tools[0]
        return None

    def usage(self) -> Optional[ApiMetaBilledUnits]:
        """Returns the usage of the response."""
        if self.response.meta:
            return self.response.meta.billed_units
        return None

    def input_tokens(self) -> Optional[float]:
        """Returns the number of input tokens."""
        if self.usage:
            return self.usage.input_tokens
        return None

    def output_tokens(self) -> Optional[float]:
        """Returns the number of output tokens."""
        if self.usage:
            return self.usage.output_tokens
        return None

    def dump(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Dumps the response to a dictionary."""
        return {
            "start_time": self.start_time,
            "end_time": self.end_time,
            "output": self.response.dict(),
            "cost": self.cost,

citations: Optional[list[ChatCitation]] property

Returns the citations for the 0th choice message.

content: str property

Returns the content of the chat completion for the 0th choice.

documents: Optional[list[ChatDocument]] property

Returns the documents for the 0th choice message.

input_tokens: Optional[float] property

Returns the number of input tokens.

output_tokens: Optional[float] property

Returns the number of output tokens.

search_queries: Optional[list[ChatSearchQuery]] property

Returns the search queries for the 0th choice message.

search_results: Optional[list[ChatSearchResult]] property

Returns the search results for the 0th choice message.

tool: Optional[CohereTool] property

Returns the 0th tool for the 0th choice message.


Type Description

if the tool call doesn't match the tool's schema.

tool_calls: Optional[list[ToolCall]] property

Returns the tool calls for the 0th choice message.

tools: Optional[list[CohereTool]] property

Returns the tools for the 0th choice message.


Type Description

if a tool call doesn't match the tool's schema.

usage: Optional[ApiMetaBilledUnits] property

Returns the usage of the response.


Dumps the response to a dictionary.

Source code in mirascope/cohere/
def dump(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Dumps the response to a dictionary."""
    return {
        "start_time": self.start_time,
        "end_time": self.end_time,
        "output": self.response.dict(),
        "cost": self.cost,


Bases: BaseCallResponseChunk[StreamedChatResponse, CohereTool]

Convenience wrapper around chat completion streaming chunks.

When using Mirascope's convenience wrappers to interact with Cohere models via, responses will return an CohereCallResponseChunk, whereby the implemented properties allow for simpler syntax and a convenient developer experience.


from mirascope.cohere import CohereCall

class Math(CohereCall):
    prompt_template = "What is 1 + 2?"

content = ""
for chunk in Math().stream():
    content += chunk.content
#> 1
#  1 +
#  1 + 2
#  1 + 2 equals
#  1 + 2 equals
#  1 + 2 equals 3
#  1 + 2 equals 3.
Source code in mirascope/cohere/
class CohereCallResponseChunk(BaseCallResponseChunk[StreamedChatResponse, CohereTool]):
    """Convenience wrapper around chat completion streaming chunks.

    When using Mirascope's convenience wrappers to interact with Cohere models via
    ``, responses will return an `CohereCallResponseChunk`, whereby
    the implemented properties allow for simpler syntax and a convenient developer


    from mirascope.cohere import CohereCall

    class Math(CohereCall):
        prompt_template = "What is 1 + 2?"

    content = ""
    for chunk in Math().stream():
        content += chunk.content
    #> 1
    #  1 +
    #  1 + 2
    #  1 + 2 equals
    #  1 + 2 equals
    #  1 + 2 equals 3
    #  1 + 2 equals 3.

    chunk: SkipValidation[StreamedChatResponse]

    def event_type(
    ) -> Literal[
        """Returns the type of the chunk."""
        return self.chunk.event_type

    def content(self) -> str:
        """Returns the content for the 0th choice delta."""
        if isinstance(self.chunk, StreamedChatResponse_TextGeneration):
            return self.chunk.text
        return ""

    def search_queries(self) -> Optional[list[ChatSearchQuery]]:
        """Returns the search queries for search-query event type else None."""
        if isinstance(self.chunk, StreamedChatResponse_SearchQueriesGeneration):
            return self.chunk.search_queries  # type: ignore
        return None

    def search_results(self) -> Optional[list[ChatSearchResult]]:
        """Returns the search results for search-results event type else None."""
        if isinstance(self.chunk, StreamedChatResponse_SearchResults):
            return self.chunk.search_results
        return None

    def documents(self) -> Optional[list[ChatDocument]]:
        """Returns the documents for citation-generation event type else None."""
        if isinstance(self.chunk, StreamedChatResponse_SearchResults):
            return self.chunk.documents
        return None

    def citations(self) -> Optional[list[ChatCitation]]:
        """Returns the citations for citation-generation event type else None."""
        if isinstance(self.chunk, StreamedChatResponse_CitationGeneration):
            return self.chunk.citations
        return None

    def response(self) -> Optional[NonStreamedChatResponse]:
        """Returns the response for text-generation event type else None."""
        if isinstance(self.chunk, StreamedChatResponse_StreamEnd):
            return self.chunk.response
        return None

    def tool_calls(self) -> Optional[list[ToolCall]]:
        """Returns the partial tool calls for the 0th choice message."""
        if isinstance(self.chunk, StreamedChatResponse_ToolCallsGeneration):
            return self.chunk.tool_calls
        return None

citations: Optional[list[ChatCitation]] property

Returns the citations for citation-generation event type else None.

content: str property

Returns the content for the 0th choice delta.

documents: Optional[list[ChatDocument]] property

Returns the documents for citation-generation event type else None.

event_type: Literal['stream-start', 'search-queries-generation', 'search-results', 'text-generation', 'citation-generation', 'tool-calls-generation', 'stream-end'] property

Returns the type of the chunk.

response: Optional[NonStreamedChatResponse] property

Returns the response for text-generation event type else None.

search_queries: Optional[list[ChatSearchQuery]] property

Returns the search queries for search-query event type else None.

search_results: Optional[list[ChatSearchResult]] property

Returns the search results for search-results event type else None.

tool_calls: Optional[list[ToolCall]] property

Returns the partial tool calls for the 0th choice message.


Bases: BaseEmbeddingResponse[SkipValidation[EmbedResponse]]

A convenience wrapper around the Cohere EmbedResponse response.

Source code in mirascope/cohere/
class CohereEmbeddingResponse(BaseEmbeddingResponse[SkipValidation[EmbedResponse]]):
    """A convenience wrapper around the Cohere `EmbedResponse` response."""

    embedding_type: Optional[
        Literal["float", "int8", "uint8", "binary", "ubinary"]
    ] = None

    def embeddings(
    ) -> Optional[Union[list[list[float]], list[list[int]]]]:
        """Returns the embeddings"""
        if self.response.response_type == "embeddings_floats":
            return self.response.embeddings
            embedding_type = self.embedding_type
            if embedding_type == "float":
                embedding_type == "float_"

            # TODO: Update to model_dump when Cohere updates to Pydantic v2
            embeddings_by_type: EmbedByTypeResponseEmbeddings = self.response.embeddings
            embedding_dict = embeddings_by_type.dict()
            return embedding_dict.get(str(embedding_type), None)

embeddings: Optional[Union[list[list[float]], list[list[int]]]] property

Returns the embeddings


Bases: TypedDict

Redefining their class to use typing_extensions.TypedDict for Pydantic.

Source code in mirascope/cohere/
class RequestOptions(TypedDict):
    """Redefining their class to use `typing_extensions.TypedDict` for Pydantic."""

    timeout_in_seconds: NotRequired[int]
    max_retries: NotRequired[int]
    additional_headers: NotRequired[dict[str, Any]]
    additional_query_parameters: NotRequired[dict[str, Any]]
    additional_body_parameters: NotRequired[dict[str, Any]]