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Classes for using tools with Google's Gemini API.


Bases: BaseTool[FunctionCall]

A base class for easy use of tools with the Gemini API.

GeminiTool internally handles the logic that allows you to use tools with simple calls such as GeminiCompletion.tool or GeminiTool.fn, as seen in the examples below.


from mirascope.gemini import GeminiCall, GeminiCallParams, GeminiTool

class CurrentWeather(GeminiTool):
    """A tool for getting the current weather in a location."""

    location: str

class WeatherForecast(GeminiPrompt):
    prompt_template = "What is the current weather in {city}?"

    city: str

    call_params = GeminiCallParams(

prompt = WeatherPrompt()
forecast = WeatherForecast(city="Tokyo").call().tool
#> Tokyo
Source code in mirascope/gemini/
class GeminiTool(BaseTool[FunctionCall]):
    '''A base class for easy use of tools with the Gemini API.

    `GeminiTool` internally handles the logic that allows you to use tools with simple
    calls such as `GeminiCompletion.tool` or `GeminiTool.fn`, as seen in the
    examples below.


    from mirascope.gemini import GeminiCall, GeminiCallParams, GeminiTool

    class CurrentWeather(GeminiTool):
        """A tool for getting the current weather in a location."""

        location: str

    class WeatherForecast(GeminiPrompt):
        prompt_template = "What is the current weather in {city}?"

        city: str

        call_params = GeminiCallParams(

    prompt = WeatherPrompt()
    forecast = WeatherForecast(city="Tokyo").call().tool
    #> Tokyo

    model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True)

    def tool_schema(cls) -> Tool:
        """Constructs a tool schema for use with the Gemini API.

        A Mirascope `GeminiTool` is deconstructed into a `Tool` schema for use with the
        Gemini API.

            The constructed `Tool` schema.
        tool_schema = super().tool_schema()
        if "parameters" in tool_schema:
            if "$defs" in tool_schema["parameters"]:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Unfortunately Google's Gemini API cannot handle nested structures "
                    "with $defs."
            tool_schema["parameters"]["properties"] = {
                prop: {
                    key: value for key, value in prop_schema.items() if key != "title"
                for prop, prop_schema in tool_schema["parameters"]["properties"].items()
        return Tool(function_declarations=[FunctionDeclaration(**tool_schema)])

    def from_tool_call(cls, tool_call: FunctionCall) -> GeminiTool:
        """Extracts an instance of the tool constructed from a tool call response.

        Given a `GenerateContentResponse` from a Gemini chat completion response, this
        method extracts the tool call and constructs an instance of the tool.

            tool_call: The `GenerateContentResponse` from which to extract the tool.

            An instance of the tool constructed from the tool call.

            ValueError: if the tool call doesn't have any arguments.
            ValidationError: if the tool call doesn't match the tool schema.
        if not tool_call.args:
            raise ValueError("Tool call doesn't have any arguments.")
        model_json = {key: value for key, value in tool_call.args.items()}
        model_json["tool_call"] = tool_call
        return cls.model_validate(model_json)

    def from_model(cls, model: Type[BaseModel]) -> Type[GeminiTool]:
        """Constructs a `GeminiTool` type from a `BaseModel` type."""
        return convert_base_model_to_tool(model, GeminiTool)

    def from_fn(cls, fn: Callable) -> Type[GeminiTool]:
        """Constructs a `GeminiTool` type from a function."""
        return convert_function_to_tool(fn, GeminiTool)

    def from_base_type(cls, base_type: Type[BaseType]) -> Type[GeminiTool]:
        """Constructs a `GeminiTool` type from a `BaseType` type."""
        return convert_base_type_to_tool(base_type, GeminiTool)

from_base_type(base_type) classmethod

Constructs a GeminiTool type from a BaseType type.

Source code in mirascope/gemini/
def from_base_type(cls, base_type: Type[BaseType]) -> Type[GeminiTool]:
    """Constructs a `GeminiTool` type from a `BaseType` type."""
    return convert_base_type_to_tool(base_type, GeminiTool)

from_fn(fn) classmethod

Constructs a GeminiTool type from a function.

Source code in mirascope/gemini/
def from_fn(cls, fn: Callable) -> Type[GeminiTool]:
    """Constructs a `GeminiTool` type from a function."""
    return convert_function_to_tool(fn, GeminiTool)

from_model(model) classmethod

Constructs a GeminiTool type from a BaseModel type.

Source code in mirascope/gemini/
def from_model(cls, model: Type[BaseModel]) -> Type[GeminiTool]:
    """Constructs a `GeminiTool` type from a `BaseModel` type."""
    return convert_base_model_to_tool(model, GeminiTool)

from_tool_call(tool_call) classmethod

Extracts an instance of the tool constructed from a tool call response.

Given a GenerateContentResponse from a Gemini chat completion response, this method extracts the tool call and constructs an instance of the tool.


Name Type Description Default
tool_call FunctionCall

The GenerateContentResponse from which to extract the tool.



Type Description

An instance of the tool constructed from the tool call.


Type Description

if the tool call doesn't have any arguments.


if the tool call doesn't match the tool schema.

Source code in mirascope/gemini/
def from_tool_call(cls, tool_call: FunctionCall) -> GeminiTool:
    """Extracts an instance of the tool constructed from a tool call response.

    Given a `GenerateContentResponse` from a Gemini chat completion response, this
    method extracts the tool call and constructs an instance of the tool.

        tool_call: The `GenerateContentResponse` from which to extract the tool.

        An instance of the tool constructed from the tool call.

        ValueError: if the tool call doesn't have any arguments.
        ValidationError: if the tool call doesn't match the tool schema.
    if not tool_call.args:
        raise ValueError("Tool call doesn't have any arguments.")
    model_json = {key: value for key, value in tool_call.args.items()}
    model_json["tool_call"] = tool_call
    return cls.model_validate(model_json)

tool_schema() classmethod

Constructs a tool schema for use with the Gemini API.

A Mirascope GeminiTool is deconstructed into a Tool schema for use with the Gemini API.


Type Description

The constructed Tool schema.

Source code in mirascope/gemini/
def tool_schema(cls) -> Tool:
    """Constructs a tool schema for use with the Gemini API.

    A Mirascope `GeminiTool` is deconstructed into a `Tool` schema for use with the
    Gemini API.

        The constructed `Tool` schema.
    tool_schema = super().tool_schema()
    if "parameters" in tool_schema:
        if "$defs" in tool_schema["parameters"]:
            raise ValueError(
                "Unfortunately Google's Gemini API cannot handle nested structures "
                "with $defs."
        tool_schema["parameters"]["properties"] = {
            prop: {
                key: value for key, value in prop_schema.items() if key != "title"
            for prop, prop_schema in tool_schema["parameters"]["properties"].items()
    return Tool(function_declarations=[FunctionDeclaration(**tool_schema)])