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Embedders for the RAG module.


Bases: BaseModel, Generic[BaseEmbeddingT], ABC

The base class abstract interface for interacting with LLM embeddings.

Source code in mirascope/rag/
class BaseEmbedder(BaseModel, Generic[BaseEmbeddingT], ABC):
    """The base class abstract interface for interacting with LLM embeddings."""

    api_key: ClassVar[Optional[str]] = None
    base_url: ClassVar[Optional[str]] = None
    embedding_params: ClassVar[BaseEmbeddingParams] = BaseEmbeddingParams(
    dimensions: Optional[int] = None
    configuration: ClassVar[BaseConfig] = BaseConfig(llm_ops=[], client_wrappers=[])
    _provider: ClassVar[str] = "base"

    def embed(self, input: list[str]) -> BaseEmbeddingT:
        """A call to the embedder with a single input"""
        ...  # pragma: no cover

    async def embed_async(self, input: list[str]) -> BaseEmbeddingT:
        """Asynchronously call the embedder with a single input"""
        ...  # pragma: no cover

embed(input) abstractmethod

A call to the embedder with a single input

Source code in mirascope/rag/
def embed(self, input: list[str]) -> BaseEmbeddingT:
    """A call to the embedder with a single input"""
    ...  # pragma: no cover

embed_async(input) abstractmethod async

Asynchronously call the embedder with a single input

Source code in mirascope/rag/
async def embed_async(self, input: list[str]) -> BaseEmbeddingT:
    """Asynchronously call the embedder with a single input"""
    ...  # pragma: no cover