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Calls to LLM providers can fail due to various reasons, such as network issues, API rate limits, or service outages. To provide a resilient user experience and handle unexpected failures gracefully, Mirascope directly integrates with Tenacity.

Call Retries

By passing the retries parameter to any Mirascope class that extends BaseCall, you can easily enable automatic retry functionality out of the box. This will work for all of the call, call_async, stream, and stream_async methods. Using the same basic RecipeRecommender we can take advantage of tenacity to retry as many times as we need to generate a response that does not have certain words.

import os

from mirascope import OpenAICall, OpenAICallParams
from tenacity import Retrying, retry_if_result


retries = Retrying(
    before=lambda details: print(details),
    after=lambda details: print(details),
    retry=retry_if_result(lambda result: "cheese" in result.content.lower()),

class RecipeRecommender(OpenAICall):
    prompt_template = "Recommend recipes that use {ingredient} as an ingredient"

    ingredient: str

    call_params = OpenAICallParams(model="gpt-3.5-turbo-0125")

response = RecipeRecommender(ingredient="apples").call(retries=retries)
print(response.content)  # Content will not contain "Cheese"

Extraction Retries

Retries are also supported for any class that extends BaseExtractor. This is particularly useful for extracting structured information because sometimes the model will fail to properly extract the schema. For example, if the model extracts a field with an incorrect type, this will result in a ValidationError.

Often the failure can be a result of the prompt; however, sometimes it's simply a failure of the model. In such a case, the best course of action is to try the call again with the error message inserted into the prompt of the retried call. This helps the model identify and correct it's previous error. When using retries for extraction, Mirascope will automatically insert any errors into the next attempt.

If you want to retry the extraction up to some number of times, you can set retries equal to the number of runs (defaults to 0). Alternatively, you can pass in tenacity.Retrying so that you can customize the behavior of retries. Mirascope will automatically pass in the error to the next call to give context. This will work for all of the extract, extract_async, stream, and stream_async methods.

from tenacity import Retrying, stop_after_attempt

retries = Retrying(
task_details = TaskExtractor(task=task).extract(retries=retries)

As you can see, Mirascope makes extraction extremely simple. Under the hood, Mirascope uses the provided schema to extract the generated content and validate it (see Validation for more details).

book = BookExtractor().extract(retries=3)  # will retry up to 3 times