Self-Ask: Enhancing LLM Reasoning with Follow-Up Questions¶
This recipe demonstrates how to implement the Self-Ask technique using Large Language Models (LLMs) with Mirascope. Self-Ask is a prompt engineering method that enhances an LLM's reasoning capabilities by encouraging it to ask and answer follow-up questions before providing a final answer. We'll explore both a basic implementation and an enhanced version with dynamic example selection.
Mirascope Concepts Used
Self-Ask is a prompt engineering technique introduced in 2022. It outperforms other methods like chain-of-thought reasoning across multiple benchmarks. The technique involves prompting the LLM to consider whether follow-up questions are needed, then answer those questions before arriving at a final answer. This approach can significantly improve the accuracy and depth of the LLM's responses, especially for complex queries.
To set up our environment, first let's install all of the packages we will use:
Make sure to also set your OPENAI_API_KEY
if you haven't already.
Basic Self-Ask Implementation¶
Let's start with a basic implementation of Self-Ask using few-shot learning examples:
import inspect
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
from mirascope.core import openai, prompt_template
class FewShotExample(TypedDict):
question: str
answer: str"gpt-4o-mini")
Query: {query}
def self_ask(query: str, examples: list[FewShotExample]) -> openai.OpenAIDynamicConfig:
return {
"computed_fields": {
"examples": [
[example["question"], example["answer"]] for example in examples
# Define few-shot examples
few_shot_examples = [
question="When does monsoon season end in the state the area code 575 is located?",
Are follow up questions needed here: Yes.
Follow up: Which state is the area code 575 located in?
Intermediate answer: The area code 575 is located in New Mexico.
Follow up: When does monsoon season end in New Mexico?
Intermediate answer: Monsoon season in New Mexico typically ends in mid-September.
So the final answer is: mid-September.
# ... (add more examples here)
query = "The birth country of Jayantha Ketagoda left the British Empire when?"
response = self_ask(query=query, examples=few_shot_examples)
# > Are follow up questions needed here: Yes.
# Follow up: What is the birth country of Jayantha Ketagoda?
# Intermediate answer: Jayantha Ketagoda is from Sri Lanka.
# Follow up: When did Sri Lanka leave the British Empire?
# Intermediate answer: Sri Lanka, formerly known as Ceylon, gained independence from the British Empire on February 4, 1948.
# So the final answer is: February 4, 1948.
This basic implementation demonstrates how to use few-shot learning with Self-Ask. The self_ask
function takes a query and a list of examples, then uses Mirascope's OpenAIDynamicConfig
to inject the examples into the prompt.
Enhanced Self-Ask with Dynamic Example Selection¶
Now, let's improve our implementation by adding dynamic example selection:
import numpy as np
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
def select_relevant_examples(
query: str, examples: list[FewShotExample], n: int = 3
) -> list[FewShotExample]:
"""Select the most relevant examples based on cosine similarity."""
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer().fit([ex["question"] for ex in examples] + [query])
example_vectors = vectorizer.transform([ex["question"] for ex in examples])
query_vector = vectorizer.transform([query])
similarities = cosine_similarity(query_vector, example_vectors)[0]
most_similar_indices = np.argsort(similarities)[-n:][::-1]
return [examples[i] for i in most_similar_indices]"gpt-4o-mini")
Query: {query}
def dynamic_self_ask(
query: str, examples: list[FewShotExample], n: int = 3
) -> openai.OpenAIDynamicConfig:
relevant_examples = select_relevant_examples(query, examples, n)
return {
"computed_fields": {
"examples": [
[example["question"], example["answer"]]
for example in relevant_examples
# Use the enhanced Self-Ask implementation
query = "What was the primary language spoken by the inventor of the phonograph?"
response = dynamic_self_ask(query=query, examples=few_shot_examples, n=2)
# > Are follow up questions needed here: Yes.
# Follow up: Who invented the phonograph?
# Intermediate answer: Thomas Edison.
# Follow up: What language did Thomas Edison primarily speak?
# Intermediate answer: Thomas Edison primarily spoke English.
# So the final answer is: English.
This enhanced version introduces the select_relevant_examples
function, which uses TF-IDF vectorization and cosine similarity to find the most relevant examples for a given query. The dynamic_self_ask
function then selects these relevant examples before including them in the prompt.
Benefits and Considerations¶
The enhanced Self-Ask implementation offers several advantages:
- Reduced prompt size by including only the most relevant examples.
- Potentially improved response quality by focusing on the most applicable few-shot examples.
- Ability to maintain a larger pool of examples without always including all of them in every query.
When implementing this technique, consider:
- Balancing the number of selected examples with the desired prompt length and model context window.
- Experimenting with different similarity metrics or embedding techniques for example selection.
- Regularly updating your example pool to cover a wide range of query types and topics.
Additional Real-World Applications
- Complex Problem Solving: Use Self-Ask for multi-step problems in fields like mathematics or engineering.
- Research Assistance: Implement Self-Ask to help researchers explore complex topics and formulate hypotheses.
- Legal Analysis: Apply Self-Ask to break down complex legal questions and explore relevant precedents.
- Medical Diagnosis: Use Self-Ask to guide through differential diagnosis processes.
- Customer Support: Implement Self-Ask to handle complex customer queries that require multiple pieces of information.
When adapting this recipe to your specific use-case, consider:
- Tailoring the few-shot examples to your domain for better performance.
- Experimenting with different prompts and example formats to optimize the Self-Ask process.
- Implementing a feedback loop to continuously improve the quality of the Self-Ask responses.
- Combining Self-Ask with other techniques like chain-of-thought for even more powerful reasoning capabilities.
By leveraging Mirascope's call
decorator and prompt_template
, you can easily implement and customize the Self-Ask technique to enhance your LLM's reasoning capabilities across a wide range of applications.