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Mirascope provides out-of-the-box integration with HyperDX.

You can install the necessary packages directly or using the hyperdx extras flag:

pip install "mirascope[hyperdx]"

How to use HyperDX with Mirascope


Our integration with HyperDX is a simple wrapper on top of our OpenTelemetry integration. The with_hyperdx decorator can be used on all Mirascope functions to automatically log calls across all supported LLM providers.

Here is a simple example using tools:

import os

from mirascope.core import anthropic, prompt_template
from mirascope.integrations.otel import with_hyperdx

os.environ["HYPERDX_API_KEY"] = "YOUR_API_KEY"

def format_book(title: str, author: str):
    return f"{title} by {author}"

@with_hyperdx()"claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620", tools=[format_book])
@prompt_template("Recommend a {genre} book.")
def recommend_book(genre: str):


Refer to the OpenTelemetry documentation for more details.